String parsing made simple with mozilla::Tokenizer




I can see FindChar, Substring, ToInteger and even atoi, strchr, strstr and sscanf craziness all over the Mozilla code base. There are though much better and, more importantly, safer ways to parse even a very simple input.

I wrote a parser class with API derived from lexical analyzers that helps with simple inputs parsing in a very easy way. Just include mozilla/Tokenizer.h and use class mozilla::Tokenizer. It implements a subset of features of a lexical analyzer.  Also nicely hides boundary checks of the input buffer from the consumer.

To describe the principal briefly: Tokenizer recognizes tokens like whole words, integers, white spaces and special characters.  Consumer never works directly with the string or its characters but only with pre-parsed parts (identified tokens) returned by this class.


There are two main methods of Tokenizer:

  • bool Next(Token& result);

If there is anything to read from the input at the current internal read position, including the EOF, returns true and result is filled with a token type and an appropriate value easily accessible via a simple variant-like API.  The internal read cursor is shifted to the start of the next token in the input before this method returns.

  • bool Check(const Token& tokenToTest);

If a token at the current internal read position is equal (by the type and the value) to what has been passed in the tokenToTest argument, true is returned and the internal read cursor is shifted to the next token.  Otherwise (token is different than expected) false is returned and the read cursor is left unaffected.

Few usage examples:


  #include "mozilla/Tokenizer.h"

  mozilla::Tokenizer p(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Sample string 2015."));

Reading a single token, examining it

  mozilla::Tokenizer::Token t;
  bool read = p.Next(t);
  // read == true, we have read something and t has been filled
  // Following our example string...
  if (t.Type() == mozilla::Tokenizer::TOKEN_WORD) {
    t.AsString(); // returns "Sample"

Checking on a token value and automatically skipping on a positive test

  if (!p.CheckWhite()) {
    throw "I expect a space here!";

  read = p.Next(t);
  // read == true
  t.Type() == mozilla::Tokenizer::TOKEN_WORD;
  t.AsString() == "string";

  if (!p.CheckWhite()) {
    throw "A white space is expected here!";

Reading numbers

  read = p.Next(t);
  // read == true
  t.Type() == mozilla::Tokenizer::TOKEN_INTEGER;
  t.AsInteger() == 2015;

Reaching the end of the input

  read = p.Next(t);
  // read == true
  t.Type() == mozilla::Tokenizer::TOKEN_CHAR;
  t.AsChar() == '.';

  read = p.Next(t);
  // read == true
  t.Type() == mozilla::Tokenizer::TOKEN_EOF;

  read = p.Next(t);
  // read == false, we are behind the EOF
  // t is here undefined!

More features

To learn more enhanced features of the Tokenizer – there is not that many, don’t be scared ;) – look at the well documented Tokenizer.h file under xpcom/ds.

As a teaser you can go through this more enhanced example or check on a gtest for Tokenizer:

#include "mozilla/Tokenizer.h"

using namespace mozilla;

  // A simple list of key:value pairs delimited by commas
  nsCString input("message:parse me,result:100");

  // Initialize the parser with an input string
  Tokenizer p(input);
  // A helper var keeping type and value of the token just read
  Tokenizer::Token t;

  // Loop over all tokens in the input
  while (p.Next(t)) {
    if (t.Type() == Tokenizer::TOKEN_WORD) {
      // A 'key' name found
      if (!p.CheckChar(':')) {
        // Must be followed by a colon
        return; // unexpected character

      // Note that here the input read position is just after the colon
      // Now switch by the key string
      if (t.AsString() == "message") {
        // Start grabbing the value
        // Loop until EOF or comma
        while (p.Next(t) && !t.Equals(Tokenizer::Token::Char(',')))
        // Claim the result
        nsAutoCString value;
        MOZ_ASSERT(value == "parse me");

        // We must revert the comma so that the code bellow recognizes the flow correctly
      } else if (t.AsString() == "result") {
        if (!p.Next(t) || t.Type() != Tokenizer::TOKEN_INTEGER) {
          return; // expected a value and that value must be a number

        // Get the value, here you know it's a valid number
        uint32_t number = t.AsInteger();
        MOZ_ASSERT(number == 100);
      } else {
        // Here t.AsString() is any key but 'message' or 'result', ready to be handled

      // On comma we loop again
      if (p.CheckChar(',')) {
        // Note that now the read position is after the comma
      // No comma?  Then only EOF is allowed
      if (p.CheckEOF()) {
        // Cleanly parsed the string

    return; // The input is not properly formatted


Currently works only with ASCII inputs but can be easily enhanced to also support any UTF-8/16 coding or even specific code pages if needed.

New Gecko performance tool: Backtrack

Backtrack aims to show a complete code path flow from any point back to its source, crossing asynchronous callbacks, threads, processes, network requests, timers and any kind of implementation specific queuing plus capturing any I/O or mutex blockade.  The ‘critical flow execution path’ is put to a context of all the remaining concurrent execution flows.  It’s then easy to examine how the critical flow is blocked and delayed by concurrent tasks.

The work is tracked in this bug, where you also find patches and build instructions.  There is also an add-on that, in Backtrack enabled builds, allows you to view actual captured data.

Click the screenshot bellow to view an interactive previewIt’s capture of load of my blog main page till the first-paint notification (no e10s and no network predictor to demonstrate the capture capabilities.)


Backtrack combines*) Gecko Profiler and Task Tracer.

Gecko Profiler (PSP) provides instrumentation (already spread around the code base) to capture static call stacks.  I’ve enhanced the PSP instrumentation to also capture objects (i.e. 'this' pointer value) and added a simple base class to easily monitor object life time (classes must be instrumented.)

Task Tracer (TT) on the other hand provides a generic way to track back on runnables – but not on e.g. network poll results, network requests or implementation specific queues.  It was easy to add a hook into the TT code that connects the captured object inter-calls with information about runnables dispatch source and target.

The Backtrack experimental patch:

  • Captures object lifetime (simply add ProfilerTracked<class Derived> as a base class to track the object lifetime and class name automatically)
  • Annotates objects with resource names (e.g URI, host name) they work with at run-time
  • Connects stack and object information using the existing PROFILER_LABEL_FUNC instrumentation recording this pointer value automatically ; this way it collects calls between objects
  • Measures I/O and mutex wait time ; an object holding a lock can be easily found
  • Sticks receipt of a particular network response exactly to its actual request transmission (here I mainly mean HTTP but also applies to connect() and DNS resolution)
  • Joins network polling “ins” and “outs”
  • Binds code-specific queuing and dequeuing, like our DNS resolver, HTTP request queues.  Those are not just ‘dispatch and forget’ like nsIEventTarget and nsIRunnable but rather have priorities, complex dequeue conditions and may not end up dispatched to just a single thread.  These queues are very important from the resource scheduling point of view.


  • IPC support, i.e. cross also processes
  • Let the analyzes also mark anything ‘related’ for achieving a selected path end (e.g. my favorite first-paint time and all CSS loads involved)
  • Probably persist the captured raw logs and allow the analyzes be done offline

Disadvantages: just one – significant memory consumption.

*) The implementation is so far not deeply bound to SPS and TT memory data structures.  I do the capture my own – actually a third data collection, side by SPS and TT.  I’m still proving the concept this way but if found useful and bearable to land in this form as a temporary way of collecting the data, we can optimize and cleanup as a followup work.

Firefox HTTP cache v1 API disabled

Recently we landed the new HTTP cache for Firefox (“cache2”) on mozilla-central.  It has been in nightly builds for a while now and seems very likely to stick on the tree and ship in Firefox 32.

Given the positive data we have so far, we’re taking another step today to making the new cache official: we have disabled the old APIs for accessing the HTTP cache, so addons will now need to use the cache2 APIs. One important benefit of this is that the cache2 APIs are more efficient and never block on the main thread.  The other benefit is that the old cache APIs were no longer pointing at actual data any more (it’s in cache2) :)

This means that the following interfaces are now no longer supported:

  •   nsICache
  •   nsICacheService
  •   nsICacheSession
  •   nsICacheEntryDescriptor
  •   nsICacheListener
  •   nsICacheVisitor

(Note: for now nsICacheService can still be obtained: however, calling any of its methods will throw NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.)

Access to previously stored cache sessions is no longer possible, and the update also causes a one-time deletion of old cache data from users’ disks.

Going forward addons must instead use the cache2 equivalents:

  •   nsICacheStorageService
  •   nsICacheStorage
  •   nsICacheEntry
  •   nsICacheStorageVisitor
  •   nsICacheEntryDoomCallback
  •   nsICacheEntryOpenCallback

Below are some examples of how to migrate code from the old to the new cache API.  See the new HTTP cache v2 documentation for more details.

The new cache2 implementation gets rid of some of terrible features of the old cache (frequent total data loss, main thread jank during I/O), and significantly improves page load performance.  We apologize for the developer inconvenience of needing to upgrade to a new API, but we hope the performance benefits outweight it in the long run.

Example of the cache v1 code (now obsolete) for opening a cache entry:

var cacheService = Components.classes[";1"]

var session = cacheService.createSession(

    onCacheEntryAvailable: function (entry, access, status) {
      // And here is the cache v1 entry

Example of the cache v2 code doing the same thing:

let {LoadContextInfo} = Components.utils.import(
  "resource://gre/modules/LoadContextInfo.jsm", {}
let {PrivateBrowsingUtils} = Components.utils.import(
  "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm", {}

var cacheService = Components.classes[";1"]

var storage = cacheService.diskCacheStorage(
  // Note: make sure |window| is the window you want
    PrivateBrowsingUtils.privacyContextFromWindow(window, false)),

    onCacheEntryCheck: function (entry, appcache) {
      return Ci.nsICacheEntryOpenCallback.ENTRY_WANTED;
    onCacheEntryAvailable: function (entry, isnew, appcache, status) {
      // And here is the cache v2 entry


There is a lot of similarities, instead of a cache session we now have a cache storage having a similar meaning – to represent a distinctive space in the whole cache storage – it’s just less generic as it was before so that it cannot be misused now.  There is now a mandatory argument when getting a storage – nsILoadContextInfo object that distinguishes whether the cache entry belongs to a Private Browsing context, to an Anonymous load or has an App ID.

(Credits to Jason Duell for help with this blog post)

New Firefox HTTP cache now enabled on Nightly builds

Yes, it’s on!  After a little bit more than a year of a development by me and Michal Novotný all bugs we could find in our labs, offices and homes were fixed.  The new cache back-end is now enabled on Firefox Nightly builds as of version 32 and should stay like that.

The old cache data are for now left on disk but we have handles to remove them automatically from users’ machines to not waste space since it’s now just a dead data.  This will happen after we confirm the new cache sticks on Nightlies.

The new HTTP cache back end has many improvements like request prioritization optimized for first-paint time, ahead of read data preloading to speed up large content load, delayed writes to not block first paint time, pool of most recently used response headers to allow 0ms decisions on reuse or re-validation of a cached payload, 0ms miss-time look-up via an index, smarter eviction policies using frecency algorithm, resilience to crashes and zero main thread hangs or jank.  Also it eats less memory, but this may be subject to change based on my manual measurements with my favorite microSD card which shows that keeping at least data of html, css and js files critical for rendering in memory may be wise.  More research to come.

Thanks to everyone helping with this effort.  Namely Joel Maher and Avi Halachmi for helping to chase down Talos regressions and JW Wang for helping to find cause of one particular hard to analyze test failure spike.  And also all early adopters who helped to find and fix bugs.  Thanks!


New preferences to play with:


Number of kBs we reserve for keeping recently loaded cache entries metadata (i.e. response headers etc.) for quick access and re-validation or reuse decisions.  By default this is at 250kB.
Number of data chunks we always preload ahead of read to speed up load of larger content like images.  Currently size of one chunk is 256kB, and by default we preload 4 chunks – i.e. 1MB of data in advance.


Load times compare:

Since these tests are pretty time consuming and usually not very precise, I was only testing with page 2 of my blog that links some 460 images.  Media storage devices available were: internal SSD, an SDHC card and a very slow microSD via a USB reader on a Windows 7 box.


[ complete page load time / first paint time ]

Cache versionFirst visitCold go to 1)Warm go to 2)Reload
cache v17.4s / 450ms880ms / 440ms510ms / 355ms5s / 430ms
cache v26.4s / 445ms610ms / 470ms470ms / 360ms5s / 440ms


Class 10 SDHC
Cache versionFirst visitCold go to 1)Warm go to 2)Reload
cache v17.4s / 635ms760ms / 480ms545ms / 365ms5s / 430ms
cache v26.4s / 485ms1.3s / 450ms530ms / 400ms*5.1s / 460ms*


Edit: I found one more place to optimize – preload of data sooner in case an entry has already been used during the browser session (bug 1013587).  We are winning around 100ms for both first paint and load times!  Also stddev of first-paint time is smaller (36) than before (80).  I have also measured more precisely the load time for non-patched cache v2 code.  It’s actually better.

Slow microSD
Cache versionFirst visitCold go to 1)Warm go to 2)Reload
cache v113s / 1.4s1.1s / 540ms560ms / 440ms5.1s / 430ms
cache v26.4s / 450ms1.7s / 450ms710ms / 540ms*5.4s / 470ms*
cache v2 (with bug 1013587)--615ms / 455ms*-

* We are not keeping any data in memory (bug 975367 and 986179) what seems to be too restrictive.  Some data memory caching will be needed.


“Jankiness” compare:

The way I have measured browser UI jank (those hangs when everything is frozen) was very simple: summing every stuck of the browser UI, taking more then 100ms, between pressing enter and end of the page load.


[ time of all UI thread events running for more then 100ms each during the page load ]

Cache versionFirst visitCold go to 1)Warm go to 2)Reload
cache v10ms600ms0ms0ms
cache v20ms0ms0ms0ms


Class 10 SDHC
Cache versionFirst visitCold go to 1)Warm go to 2)Reload
cache v1600ms600ms0ms0ms
cache v20ms0ms0ms0ms


Slow microSD
Cache versionFirst visitCold go to 1)Warm go to 2)Reload
cache v12500ms740ms0ms0ms
cache v20ms0ms0ms0ms


All load time values are medians, jank values averages, from at least 3 runs without extremes in attempt to lower the noise.


1) Open a new tab and navigate to a page right after the Firefox start.

2) Open a new tab and navigate to a page that has already been visited during the browser session.


NTLMv1 and Firefox

In Firefox 30 the internal fallback implementation of the NTLM authentication schema talking only NTLMv1 has been disabled by default for security reasons.

If you are experiencing problems with authentication to NTLM or Negotiate http proxies or http servers since Firefox 30 you may need to switch network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1 in about:config to true.

Firefox (Necko) knows two ways to authenticate to a proxy or a server that requires NTLM or LM authentication:

  • System API or library like SSPI, GSSAPI or ntlm_auth binary ; on the Window platform by default the SSPI is always attempted, on non-Windows systems must be allowed by modifying some of the Firefox preferences, see bellow
  • Our own internal NTLM implementation module that is currently disabled since it talks only NTLMv1 ; we may have some plans to implement NTLMv2 in the future

Note that if you are in an environment where the system API can be used we have no handles to influence what NTLM version is used. It’s fully up to your local system and network setting, Firefox has no control over it.


Preference list influencing NTLM authentication in Firefox

(Note: there is a similar list dedicated to the Negotiate schema)

EDIT: network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1-https
Introduced in Forefox 31 on June 23th, 2014, enabled use of our own internal implementation of NTLM module that talks only NTLMv1 for connections to HTTPS servers (not proxies). Note: this preference influences both NTLM and Negotiate authentication scheme.
deafult: true
true: The NTLMv1 internal implementation module is enabled and used as a fallback for connecting secure HTTPS servers when system API authentication fails or cannot be used.
false: Usage of the NTLMv1 module is controlled by network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1.
Introduced in Forefox 30 on April 25th, 2014, disables use of our own internal implementation of NTLM module that talks only NTLMv1. Note: this preference influences both NTLM and Negotiate authentication scheme.
deafult: false
true: The NTLMv1 internal implementation module is enabled and used as a fallback when system API authentication fails or cannot be used.
false: Usage of the NTLMv1 module is hard-disabled, it won’t be used under any circumstances.
Allows use of the system (e.g. SSPI) authentication API when talking to (and only to) a proxy requiring NTLM authentication, this also allows sending user’s default credentials – i.e. the credentials user is logged in to the system – to the proxy automatically without prompting the user.
deafult: true
true: The system API (like SSPI) will be used to talk to the proxy, default credentials will be sent to the proxy automatically.
false: Disallows send of default credentials to the proxy. On non-Windows platforms the fallback internal implementation, which is currently disabled, would be used. Hence with this setting you will not be able to authenticate to any NTLM proxy.
This is a list of URLs or schemes that you trust to automatically send the system default credentials without any prompts to when NTLM authentication is required, the system API like SSPI will be used. On non-Windows platforms without filling this list you cannot use the system NTLM API to authenticate and since the internal NTLM v1 is disabled, you will not be able to authenticate at all.
deafult: an empty string
example: “https://,” – this will allow sending the default credentials to any https: host and any address that starts with http://intranet/ you are connecting to automatically without prompts – BE CAREFUL HERE.
Influences automatic send of default system credentials to hosts with a non fully qualified domain names (e.g. http://corporate/, http://intranet/).
deafult: false
true: Allow automatic sending without prompts, this setting is examined before network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris check. With this setting there is no need to list your non-FQDN hosts in the network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris preference string.
false: Automatic sending is not allowed to non-FQDN hosts, although particular hosts can be manually allowed in network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris.
Forces in all cases and on all platforms use of the internal NTLM implementation. This effectively bypasses use of the system API and never sends the default system credentials.
deafult: false
true: In all cases and on all platforms always only use the internal NTLM implementation. With network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1 at false this will actually completely turn of any attempts to do NTLM authentication to any server or proxy.
false: When NTLM internal implementation is not disabled with network.negotiate-auth.allow-insecure-ntlm-v1 (default is disabled) it is only used when you are not on the Windows platform and the host being connected is neither a proxy nor an allowed non-FQDN host nor a listed trusted host.


Disclaimer: NO WARRANTY how accurate or complete this list is. I don’t know the Kerberos preferences (if there are any) at all. I am not the original author of this code, I’m only occasionally maintaining it as part of my HTTP work.