Moz logging (former NSPR logging) file now has a size limit option

There are lot of cases of mainly networking issues rare enough to reproduce making users have their Firefox run for long hours to hit the problem.  Logging is great in bringing the information to us when finally reproduced, but after few hours the log file can be - well - huge.  Easily even gigabytes.

But now we have a size limit, all you need to do:

Adding rotate module to the list of modules will engage log file size limit:

MOZ_LOG=rotate:200,log modules...

The argument is the limit in megabytes.

This will produce up to 4 files with names appended a numbering extension, .0, .1, .2, .3.  The logging back end cycles the files it writes to while sum of these files' sizes will never go over the specified limit.

The patch just landed on mozilla-central (version 51), bug 1244306.

Note 1: the file with the largest number is not guarantied to be the last file written.  We don't move the files, we only cycle.  Using the rotate module automatically adds timestamps to the log, so it's always easy to recognize which file keeps the most recent data.

Note 2: rotate doesn't support append.  When you specify rotate, on every start all the files (including any previous non-rotated log file) are deleted to avoid any mixture of information.  The append module specified is then ignored.

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